Metal Aluminium Signs

Aluminum signs, also known as tin signs, flat commercial signs or metal signs , are an excellent choice for businesses looking to announce their presence with sturdy, custom-designed, affordable signs. ORYX Media Solutions offers a wide variety of sheet metal sign options, with stainless steel signs and aluminum signs being two of the most popular. While both are weatherproof, long-lasting materials, aluminum has the advantage of being less expensive to produce on whatever scale you desire—from smaller parking lot advertisements to full-size store front signs.

Advantages of Aluminum Metal Signs

Aluminum is used for many different types of signage. It is a versatile material that enables your sign to appear simple or elaborate, depending on its purpose. With the help of our experienced team of designers, an aluminum sign can be as well-suited to advertise an auto repair shop as it is to grace the front of a stylish, up-and-coming cafe. These signs have the advantages of being:

  • Affordable
  • Modern
  • Indoor and Outdoor Usage

Common Uses for Metal Signs

Metal signs, and particularly weatherproof signs such as aluminum and stainless steel, can be used to advertise anywhere and for most anything, both inside and outdoors. Aluminum signs are frequently used in the following locations:

  • Store fronts
  • Residential buildings
  • Cafes
  • Restaurants
  • Attorney’s offices
  • Auto repair shops
  • Laundromats
  • Parking lots

When you work with ORYX Media Solutions, you are guaranteed to receive well-crafted signage made from high-grade materials that both looks and lasts the way you want it to.